Flameshield Fire Curtain Standard Control Panel
The A1S250 generally operates via a wall mounted 3 position key switch. Under normal operation the curtain is opened and closed via this key switch.
Fire Conditions – The panel continuously monitors the normally closed alarm input terminals, if the terminals go open i.e alarm triggered, the shutter will close under power or via gravity to the fully closed position. Providing the alarm signal is cleared you can re-open the shutter accordingly.
Facility to link audio or visual warning devices, a siren or flashing light can be added, during the time the alarm input is open the 24 Volt DC alarm is activated to allow these units to be added.
The A1S250 generally operates via a wall mounted 3 position key switch. Under normal operation the curtain is opened and closed via this key switch.
Fire Conditions – The panel continuously monitors the normally closed alarm input terminals, if the terminals go open i.e alarm triggered, the shutter will close under power or via gravity to the fully closed position. Providing the alarm signal is cleared you can re-open the shutter accordingly.
Facility to link audio or visual warning devices, a siren or flashing light can be added, during the time the alarm input is open the 24 Volt DC alarm is activated to allow these units to be added.
An emergency override alarm button can be used, this will allow you to open the shutter even if the alarm signal is still present, effectively if the alarm signal is still active, once you remove the signal i.e. the override button is released the shutter will re-commence its close cycle.
The A1S250 unit has a test function input that allows regular testing of the control/curtain.
Easy setup and connection
Automatic detection of motor end limits
Close type options – driven or gravity close as standard
Dead man operation – key switch, push buttons etc
Link to fire alarm, will open or close the fire curtain on receipt of a signal from the fire alarm. (Volt Free signal required)
Facility within the panel for an emergency escape/fireman’s switch, this would only operate if there is mains available
24 Volt battery back up as standard (5 hour stand by time), can be used in the event of power failure
Facility for Alarm Test
Gravity fail safe available dependant on type of motor used