Flameshield fire curtains now tested to 90 minutes for flexible (timber and stud) structures
When installing fire and smoke curtains, it is important to understand that different fire tests are applicable for different structures. A fire test is required for rigid structures and a separate fire test would be required for fitting to flexible structures. Contained within any BS EN 1634-1 fire test document will be the following statement under the Supporting Construction Section. “The fire resistance of a door assembly tested in one form of standard supporting construction may or not apply when it is mounted in other types of construction. Generally, the rigid and flexible types are not interchangeable. “ This is taken from BS EN 1634‑1:2014+A1:2018 13.5.1 General.
Whether you are extending fire curtains as per BS EN 15269-11 Extended Applications for Fire Curtains or a UK assessment to general principles outlined in BS EN 15725, the guidance couldn’t be clearer. It is NOT POSSIBLE without an additional full scale fire test to fit a fire curtain to a flexible i.e. stud or timber structure. Fitting fire and smoke curtains to such flexible structures when the product has only been fire tested to rigid structures (i.e. brick) is potentially dangerous and irresponsible as well as contrary to the BS EN 1634-1 test standard enshrined within UK Building Regulations.
BS EN 15269-11 2018 (Part II Fire Resistance for operable fabric curtains) Page 32 (J1.2)
A1 had previously tested to a flexible stud system and achieved 60 minutes, but with increasing requests to achieve 90 minutes for a flexible structure we carried out a successful full scale fire test, Warrington reference 525487.
If you have any timber or stud system on your project, we would recommend that you ALWAYS ask to see the required fire test documentation showing testing to stud. Without this test evidence, you are running a genuine commercial risk that Building Control will not approve your installation; worse still you are risking that the fire curtain will not be fit for purpose. For further information on this test contact info@a1sgroup.com
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